Ecce Homo Botched Restoration Sympathy Post – or – Art for Sale! Classic Reproductions! CHEAP!

The poor spanish woman who got a message from God itself to restore the Ecce Homo painting, that was deteriorating on some crummy old cathedral column, has gotten a lot of grief in the past few days (In Case You Haven’t Read About It CLICK HERE) – but, as an artist myself, I felt a bit of sympathy for her, and decided to test my own skills with some artistic reproductions of well known classical works. These hand crafted pieces are nearly identical, certified reproductions that are sure to impress (and fool) any affluent party guest. I have included a photo of the original as a reference, but please believe you will not be able to tell which is the original, and which is the arnoldbenedict reproduction. Enjoy.



(if anyone knows the titles of those last two – i’d appreciate a link. I was in a pizza coma while i was working on these, and have no idea where the source material of those two ended up – perhaps i’m a renaissance artist and I never even knew it)

Limited edition, numbered prints are available by request – go ahead and make an offer at – every reasonable and unreasonable offer/barter will be considered (trades of your terrible art will absolutely be appreciated). this is fine art folks. blood, sweat, and tears. you will kick yourself if you don’t pick up one of these babies, as they’re going fast – and they are HOT!





In fact…just ask and i’m sure you’ll be able to secure one of your least favorite pieces just for reading this.

Kurt Re-Loder – When things get a little weird

Sometimes i have great ideas, and i keep them to myself. And sometimes, they just spew out of my mouth in the middle of meetings and people carve minutes out of their busy days to make them real. Here is an example of one such idea – i present to you:


Without the expert assistance and enthusiasm of @earnestp or @marksingletree – this piece of unnecessary internet nonsense would have just been a word someone said once.

you’re welcome.

Hole In The Wall – An Examination

This is a repost of a post I wrote for an old employer back in ’08. The show discussed seemed relevant at the time. Enjoy it if you can.

There are very few things in my life that i will stand by, but this is one of them:

Japanese people are inherently funny, and hot girls aren’t. [full entry]

Monkey Public Radio – Monkeys on Monkeys

A trip to Lopburi, Thailand to find out what the monkeys are thinking about. A little bit that went as well as it possibly could have. Send us a message and let us know what you think! (or, of course, leave a comment and subscribe to the menagerie of YT channels we utilize around here)

Have fun!