E3 Spoilers, the podcast!

Arnold Benedict and his friend Egon Usufruct have gotten some insider information from the upcoming E3 conference and are reporting straight from Los Angeles to your ears giving it all away…FOR FREE!!! Find out everything you want to know about the upcoming E3 conference 2011, and if you need an opinion about something, they’ve got one for you! Quote anything they say at a party and you’ll be the talk of the town! You’re in for a real treat with this podcast, and you’ll have everything you need to know pre-E3!

We’ll be back for a post E3 wrap-up, and we’ve got more stuff coming through the pipeline…so keep your ear to the ground and bookmark us!


Liking the podcasts! E3 was good. Not sure Vita and WiiU were the things people were really looking for. People want a console. WiiU is that but it’s motion. People aren’t really into that at this point. When Microsoft announces the new Xbox next year, it’ll send a message to Sony and Nintendo about what we really want.