How To Fly A Plane – Bored In LA

Have you ever wanted an excuse to fly a four passenger Cherokee single propeller airplane? I never actually thought about it really, until travel zoo provided me with a severely discounted coupon right around birthday time for the Girl. So i took it as an opportunity to check a non-existent item off my non-existent list (this thing’s never going to get finished if i never actually start it…and then continuously add stuff).

So as a gift to myself, and anyone who may have thought i was Dead as a result of this journey – i present a less than short (7 minutes) video of the experience. I’d like to thank the friendly (if not a little unorganized) staff at Encore Flight Academy for doing what they promised to do (return me safely to the ground), and my nerves for being made of something similar to steel.

Have fun.


Stay tuned for a few more short edits from recent (and not so recent) trips and etc. I’ve got a couple bigger projects out of my way and can begin tackling these smaller ones more regularly.

I get bored just like you do – send me some links of some things you do when you get bored


James Greer ‘As We Go Up, We Go Down’ – Hugs And Disses Podcast

I had the pleasure of acting as ‘sound guy’ for the past few episodes of a local LA podcast Hugs And Disses. In one of their more recent episodes, they had guest James Greer (Guided By Voices) in the studio talking a bit about his new project ‘Detective’and other hilariously inspiring subjects (such as the dirty things one could have done to Stevie Nicks way back in the day)

Here is a great video excerpt I shot. A new take on an old GBV song. Enjoy it – check out their podcast, it’s uncomfortably revealing – and you’ll learn more about things you never thought you’d enjoy.

Live Music and Entertainment – March 15, 2012 – Di Piazzas – Long Beach, CA

If a weekly improv show (friday nights at The Improv Space with ‘The Board’) isn’t enough action for you – come down to what will turn into a monthly variety show of music, booze, fun times, and prizes – hosted by yours truly. The flier is below – if you’re in the area, print it up and come on down. Your friends are sure to enjoy it! [full entry]