A Trip To Thailand – Through The Eyes of a Go-Pro

I recently traveled to Thailand during the Songkran festival – and the following video is my attempt at capturing the magic that I was able to experience – 60 frames at a time. More details below – I’ll let the video speak for itself.

I’ll work on another edit using footage from my Kodak Zx-3 that will probably contain much more nonsense. The trip was fun, if you are curious about traveling in Thailand – I am an incomplete resource, but can definitely help you out with some “do’s” and “don’ts” on a budget if you were interested.

Let’s talk!
More funny to come! I’ll update with more details from the trip, so check back.
The song featured in the video is by a band called ‘Colossal’ from Chicago – song titled ‘The 1/5 Compromise’

Lady Boys Of Thailand – an inside look

Downinthewell’s Arnold Benedict recently travelled to Thailand in order to investigate the dark underbelly of the toenail trade – and was never heard from again. This footage is all that was found – edited by the very talented Egon (Uselfrucht?).

This is what happens when you are unclear about what you would like your friends to do with your video archives. There will be more to come.

Hoaxes Are All Day – or – I’m huge in Croatia, in a Tiny Way

I’m a fan of downinthewell being plastered all around the web. If you ever see downinthewell represented in any way, go ahead and send us a link/letter/carrier pigeon so we can check it out!

Forever Alone, No More!


This really is the only gratification I need. Thanks Croatia, you’ve been great – i don’t care WHAT Serbia says about you.

Original link for those who are interested