The scene is the same every time, you get off work after a long day of email correspondence or hole digging and you finally get the opportunity to belly up to the bar with the finest of assorted beverages. You take a glance around the bar and notice a similar crew of people. All is well….until you hear that sound….you know the one….that tell tale ‘ooga ooga ooga ooga’ of Bon Jovi’s mother fucking ‘Livin’ on A Prayer’ and before you’re able to seek out a fork for which to stab out your own ear drums, you see that obnoxious girl slip another five bucks into that machine and hits ‘AA-31′ and you know that’s a Pink song… don’t know which one, and you don’t care…you just know you’re going to hear it over, and over, and OVER again and it’s going to be a LONG night.
There’s an easy way around all of this aural punishment, and that’s simply a good ol’ fashioned jukebox bully.
What’s a jukebox bully you ask?