Ben And Clark Cast Ep. 1 – Back on the airwaves!

Your favorite host and special guest from Mummrat season one have teamed up to bring you ‘ presents: podcasting season 2: Ben and Clark Cast!’. Join us on our maiden voyage into internet radio doomdom. The Titanic of Pod Casts!

Give it a listen, provide us with some feedback. It’s new, give us a break!

How To Smuggle Liquor Onto Cruise Ships, Airplanes, Or Into Baseball Games!

We’ve all been bitten by the ‘bad economy bug’, but that doesn’t mean you have to quit having a good time. We’ve recently discovered the solution to all of life’s ‘hey it’s too expensive to get drunk at (fill in event here), so I’m not going to go’ problems. Bootlegging! Here is a quick demonstration of how we were able to effectively maneuver around the ‘no outside beverages’ clause on a recent cruise:

Fun AND effective….Funfective!

[full entry]

My Answer To Sock Probability Problems

Growing up in elementary school the word problems in math class always made me mad. How dare they attempt to disguise math with a fun little story. This morning, one particular type of word problem stuck out in my head and it was the type that goes as follows:
Ten pairs of socks are in a drawer, three black, seven white. If i pull out three pairs, what is the probability of one of them being white?

At the age of eight i realized how ridiculous a scenario as people only had one pair of socks that weren’t white and they were kept with your Sunday clothes, so the odds of selecting a matching pair was always 1:1.

Then I grew up…and this happened:

A Downinthewell Family Tradition

After a well deserved break from the daily rat race, all of us here at are back and ready to tackle a new year. And to kick things off, we’re giving you three new videos!!! So check them out, let us know how you like them, and please – please – PLEASE provide us with any feedback, ideas, or suggestions you’d like to see come from us in the upcoming year. Comment, subscribe, refer! The more Google likes you, the more we like you!