Mummrat Radio Ep. 4

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Another episode we crapped out lickety split! Lickety split? We’ve got some great stuff in there for you guys if you’re a fan of all around terrible impressions. Trouble in Detroit, a jury duty update, some great celebrity metal bands and much much more!

A couple corrections we’d like to make for anyone who cares: The song being performed by the band Fozzy is indeed a COVER of the Judas Priest song ‘Metal Gods’ (a band much more fitted to the distinction), and we were inaccurately referring to Free Reign’s song as ‘heavier than metal’ when in fact, the band just refers to THEMSELVES as this…the song is entitled ‘All In Vain’…but…none of you are really going to care, trust me ;)

We’ve got much more in store coming up for us in the next couple weeks, so keep listening, and tell your friends!

Let us know what you think in the comments by clicking through to the article, or just contact us at any time at!

See ya!

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