MummratRadio Ep. 16!

Welcome back to our show! Come celebrate our sweet sixteen with our guest Hosia Oliver LIVE in the studio! That’s right mummrateers, we’ve gotten our act together for the fourth straight week and don’t plan on stopping any time soon as we bring you two hours of grand slam talkatainment. We have a great episode this week where we get down and dirty about plenty of things including the Toyota recall controversy, legal male gigolos in Las Vegas, some crazy animatronics talk, bikini everything, and our good friend Sarah Palin pokes her head back around at the end of the show. This is definitely NOT the mummrat to miss, in fact, this is one to make sure you don’t miss. And if we’ve told you to tell a friend before, this is probably the one you might want to tell them about….seriously.

So sit back and enjoy, please leave a comment below if you like/hate what you hear. We’ve got thick skin, we can handle it. Or if you prefer, send us an email for anything you’d like [questions, comments, concerns] to

if you’d like to check out Hosia’s show, click HERE

Stick around, things have just started to get fun!




Soul Shattering Clip Of The Week:

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