A Note To The DMV

I made a recent trip to the Department Of Motor Vehicles this past week in order to renew my drivers license before it expired, and thus avoiding the obligation to take a driving test. It wasn’t your typical DMV nightmare, it was just time consuming. If it had been your typical DMV nightmare, I might have something interesting to say about it right here. But I don’t. Sorry.

But I do have a suggestion to make to the DMV in order to increase their customer satisfaction rating [do they even give a damn? I mean, you don’t really have a choice in the matter, if you decide you don’t want to go to the DMV anymore then the lines just won’t be as long and you can’t drive anywhere…which is probably better for everyone anyway…wait…did I just stumble upon the DMV’s diabolical plan!? Genius! Evil effing Genius’s [genii?]]

and on with the suggestion: Allow the driver to see what they look like before snapping their ID photo. Or is there some other conspiracy against turning that computer monitor thirty extra degrees so everyone comes out looking like a convict?

[I’m not exactly sure what you’re supposed to blank out when you publish your government documents to the internets…so i pretty much just did everything besides what the sexy ladies need to know for my dating profile…and just enough to preserve my vague internet anonymity]

I have only myself to blame for erupting such a giant beard before taking this photo. So maybe there’s a note to self here: If you plan on going out to the bar with the intention of getting too drunk to see and lose your wallet…make sure you don’t look like a convict when you go in to get a replacement ID. But even criminals smile!

I’m about six days into my 14-28 waiting period for my new license. With any luck I took my own advice. Or at least I’ll be sure to smile while robbing you blind.

you look like a fuckin terrorist!! kinda like me on my passport!! good work!!