Bored In LA – Awesome Fest 2012

I love Awesome Fest. A gathering of people who don’t like me, listening to music that nobody should ever make.

Amongst the highlights at this years Awesome Fest in San Diego were two of my (currently) favorite bands – Cheap Girls (who you will see featured below in an acoustic format), and Underground Railroad To Candyland (a band i demand you check out – no matter how terrible A.N. Owen from info sack fame says it is). I did get a short video of Todd C (Toys That Kill, FYP, URTC) being a jackass to a bouncer who climbed up on stage in the middle of their set because people were ‘falling on the stage’ – but it doesn’t do the scene justice (much like that description) so i’m omitting it from the record.

If sleeping in crappy hotels, being constantly hungover, riding a lot of bikes, eating pot pies in bed, sweaty sing alongs, high fives and listening to overly distorted trimmed down bands (with the exception of URTC, who i believe cram as many people on stage as possible, as a constitutional mandate) is your thing – Then Awesome Fest might be also.

Kyle Kinane was also very funny. It seems like the logical step would be to incorporate more drunk/flannely/bearded comedy and sideshow freaks to this lineup.

Have fun. Get un-bored.

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