After a long self-induced absence it is time for the fury of the flurry


yeah there is a hustler show in Kenosha this month, and no one lives around wisconsin (and to be completely honest i probably won’t go) but i made this cool poster.


Clock Watchers – Painful Coincedence

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An Unusual Fold…

There has never been anything I’ve been more proud of [today] than reaching international success on the internet.

Success you say? What sort of success can this guy be talking about?

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Speaking Of Dick Jokes…

Ok, this has nothing to do with dick jokes, and I try to keep multiple posts to a minimum in case my brain juice runs out one day – but this HAD to be posted ASAP!

The situation: Gary Leonard is a local photographer in Los Angeles, and had worked on various major publications since around 1960. So google him if you want to know more about it, cuz google knows way more than me.

So he has this open art exhibit called ‘takemypicture‘ – and he’s trying to kick it old school with this grab bag art sale he’s got going on. You send him ten bucks in the mail, he sends you a photograph. It could be big or small or medium, but he took it. He’s got tons of recognizable shit, and then there’s probably tons more of stuff you’ve never seen before. I don’t know much [or anything] about art, but I know this: If you work as a professional photographer for fifty years, you’re gonna have some pretty sweet shit to sell people when you’re finished!

Well today I got my photograph, and I’m super stoked! I thought it was gonna be some crummy building or some other throwaway, but it’s way better than that….WAY:

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You want me to do what!?

I had the idea to start this week off with something really great, you know, to get things started out on the right foot — err, the correct foot….. which I guess could BE your right foot if that was your preferred foot to start things off with, things like walking or jogging or jumping or something.

Anyways…instead I think I’ll just start things off the lazy way. That’s a nice tone to set for the rest of this week – Lazy.

So here’s an ad I pulled out of my newspaper before I tossed it all in the trash without reading anything but the comics [They started delivering the paper to me one day and they just never stopped. In fact, I just might be the only person who could complain about getting free newspapers delivered to my door every single morning].

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