MummRat Radio Ep. 21!

Back in action! The good ol’ mummrat radio that you have grown to like to love is back for another fantastic week full of convo-tainment! This one get’s a little -rated as we discuss the disparities between professional wrestling and porn stars. We read a listener email, offer an unnecessary amount of shout-outs and boogie down like we’ve never boogied before! We have an awesome co-host this week to round out the show, he adds a lot to the conversation, and knows exactly when to be racist! Some very funny interviews 37 minutes into it, another set at an hour and thirteen, and then we cap it all off with the remainder of the porn star vs. wrestling debate at the very end [in other words…listen all the way through, it’s definitely gonna be worth it!].

Leave us some feedback in the comments below, or as always you can send us questions to answer live on the air at! Any questions or concerns, dreams, hopes, or death threats should be directed there and we will get to them as they come in! We hate empty inboxes!


Soul Shattering Clip Of The Week:


MummratRadio Ep. 20!

We’re back for another week of exciting stuff to listen to, and this one is a special one [special in as many senses of the term possible]. We celebrated St. Patricks day with a slight alteration of our typical mummrat format by taking eight people, cramming them into a room, force feeding them beers, and asking expecting them to operate in a game show atmosphere. Yes that’s correct, you heard us right – MummratRadio Episode 20 is a game show!

We have been curious about doing something like this for a moment now, and finally got the opportunity when we overbooked the show with guests. Out of necessity we pulled a game show out of our asses, and put it up on the web. So listen up, hang out, pick your pony, and play along! We won’t be sure when something like this will happen again, but as far as improvised on the spot game shows are concerned: this is one of them.

Make sure to stick around till the end…it really does get better as it goes along!

Thanks to our guests, and hope everyone had a great St. Patrick’s day, we here at know we did!



Soul shattering clip of the week:

soul shattering because…how could anyone hate the U.S.A!?

Google Knows Best

I, as many of you may know [or will find out], do not have the most successful love life. I attribute it specifically to the fact that most people flat out bother me, while most people would find it safe to say it’s probably the exact opposite. If being an unmotivated, lazy, uneducated, drinkaholic with a talking problem is a flaw, then I’m going to have to seriously reconsider my thoughts of selling myself at the pawn shop down the street in fear of collecting dust on the bottom shelf of a display cabinet like so many grandmothers wedding rings.

But my actual or perceived worth is not in question here. I’ve recently discovered what I may have been over looking this entire time in my passive quest for a soul mate: Big Beautiful Women.

Now, we’ve mentioned things like this before in articles like this one HERE but never delved deeper into how that would relate to my personal life. No, it wasn’t until today that Google discovered an untapped wealth of dating potential:

This is exactly what I have been overlooking in my pursuit of love. Record breaking weight gain is exactly the type of spectacle that could keep me interested for years to come! Now I admit, I’ve always had a thing for thick girls who could rough a cold winter: after all I am from the midwest, and we all know midwestern girls have an extra layer of awesome…but even that never triggered the appropriate emotional response. And still I sit lonely.

Not anymore.

I will no longer lie restlessly on my queen sized mattress at night swallowed up in a sea of blankets, no, I will tuck myself comfortably between the warm folds of my two ton honey as we cuddle in the warm confines of a dump truck bed. Dinners will no longer be lonely nights on the couch picking crumbs off the floor as i squeeze ketchup packets onto pickle spears – but will be spent cramming serving after serving of mashed potatoes down the gullet of my lovely other once she’s reached the satiation point to give her that extra competitive edge, and truly capitalize on maximum weight gain potential. And the love making….ohhh how we will make love… WILL we make love?…ok…think..I haven’t really thought that one all the way through yet. I’ve seen a few videos on line and know it’s probably possible…but…let’s worry about the important stuff first and that’s the record.

Oh yes! The record will be mine!…err…hers! She will be the largest women on earth, and I, her loyal companion will be swept into the record books! Someone grab the champagne, we’ve got a tugboat to christen!

Thanks Google.

NOTE: The rest of the ARTICLE in case you’re curious

MummratRadio Ep: 19!!!

Welcome back to the rat! After a week of nonsense and dead air, mummratradio is back with a couple very special guests! Clark Watts and Earnest Pettie join Ben in an onslaught of web radio greatness. We delve into the specifics of getting blacklisted from Blockbusters everywhere, some professional wrestling talk, how to be a stalker, learn how monkeys tear faces off of people, and find out how they get ’em to quit smoking and drinking!

This is a really fun one for those of you who have been missing out, and we will definitely hear more from Clark and Earnest.

Give it a listen to, download us, send us to your mother [whether she’s cool with it or not], leave us a comment below or send some questions or support to!

Ask us anything, we’re like Dr. Laura only less creepy!

See you next week!


Soul Shattering Clip Of The Week:

you’ll never watch back to the future three the same way again!

No New Mummrat? How about some political controversy then!

This week we’ve experienced some temporary loss of personnel and the much beloved MummRatRadio show will be put on hiatus. Fret you not, there will be updates! Like this one!

Not to stir up some controversy, but as far as ‘American Standard’ goes, this logo from the back of my toilet looks unusually similar to this one?

We are in no way implying that the President of these United States is running things like a toilet, I’ve just noticed this unusual coincidence and decided to have it documented. Maybe his graphic designer should have done his thinking somewhere else!

On a more personal note, i was trying to avoid taking a camera into the bathroom but was unable to find this log anywhere on the internet. Perhaps there is just a little too much anti-obama sentiment trailing into and out of my office building?

Will the conspiracies ever end!?

Discuss amongst yourselves.